With all of our lives being disrupted in a way we never could have imagined back in January, we at foto:RE|VIEW are trying to figure out how to best share our love of the medium with you, our readers. We’ve currently putting publication of ISSUE 02 on hold but will be making articles from our first issue available to you HERE at no charge during the crisis. We may also roll out a few articles from ISSUE 02 just to pique your curiosity!
We’d love to thank Rita Godlevskis at PhotoEd Magazine for her support and her dedication to photography in Canada. You can check them out at
“…photography that makes you think…”
foto:RE’s mission is to highlight and celebrate photography as art, to showcase and elevate photographers as artists, to transfer photographic knowledge and techniques, and to build a supportive and congenial community of photographers. Over the last ten years we’ve done that, very successfully.
And while our decade-long history of social gatherings, public critiques, workshops and photography festivals have been well received and influential, they are still not something you can hold in your hand; you can’t show them to a friend who wasn’t there.
How can we say: “this is foto:RE” to someone who doesn’t yet know?
foto:RE|VIEW is an answer to that question. It is a tangible, physical counterpoint to the ephemeral, social activities that have thus far comprised foto:RE.
We’re creating a single volume — one year, four issues — of a beautiful large-format quarterly journal that celebrates photographers and their work, in conjunction with complementary essays. Focusing on a single volume instead of trying to create an ongoing publication allows us to have a circumscribed amount of work. We know what our budget will be, and we know what our tasks will be. It’s a big project for a small group of people, but it’s achievable.
We’ve decided on a larger format for our magazine so the photographs can be properly appreciated. Each issue will have between 70 and 90 pages. Long enough to curl up with while enjoying your favourite beverage. And with enough text to go along to make for thoughtful reading, not just fast page flipping.
We will offer physical subscriptions in advance as well as individual copies (or as a set once the run is complete) post publication either in-person from a foto:RE member, or from our online store. And should you miss the initial run, we’ll always have copies available via on-demand print service.
With funding from the Waterloo Region Arts Fund (and others), and support from professional editors, designers and publishers of photography books, we’re confident that foto:RE|VIEW will hit the very high bar for photography publications. And with the content we’ve got planned for our four issues, we’re certain we are creating a journal that’s not only worth reading once, but worth keeping as a reference.
Subscribe to the mailing list and follow along as we take foto:RE from its social beginnings in the gallery, cafe, classroom, and conference centre and introduce it to someplace new: your coffee table.